A real script for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” accidentally leaked onto eBay because an actor left a copy under their bed, director JJ……
After recovering from a heart attack in early 2018, film director Kevin Smith began a lengthy process of modifying his health regimen. Conveniently enough, this……
After four decades, Star Wars is drawing to its epic conclusion. Lev Grossman goes behind the scenes with director J.J. Abrams and the cast for……
In his interview at SWCC, John Boyega (Finn) says he will miss the on set fun. Apparently, JJ Abrams runs his movie sets like a house……
Its official, Episode IX is titled The Rise of Skywalker. Here is the official teaser trailer. Source: StarWars.com | The Official Star Wars Website Share…
It looks like Disney is not messing around when it bills the still-untitled “Episode IX” as the end of the Skywalker saga. Zack Sharf “Star……