After waiting quite some time for anything entertaining from the Star Wars universe (okay I have gotten spoiled, it used to be years, now its months) the trailer for the first live action Star Wars television/streaming series was released at D23 in Anaheim, CA.
The release of The Mandalorian, for me, has been as anticipated as The Rise of Skywalker. Why? Because if you have been a Star Wars fan since the first release of Star Wars, you will know how anticipated and loved Boba Fett was all the way up until blind Han Solo accidentally whacked him, screaming like a bitch, into the Sarlac Pit (I will never forgive several people for that one…).
In fact, as a kid, I was a fan of all of the SW bounty hunters. I knew all of their names, I wanted to know who they were and what made them cool enough to be hired by Vader. Boba Fett got the job done, but the others, Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, Dengar, and IG-88 looked like the kind of story I wanted to see.
Now we have The Mandalorian and whoever that turns out to be, he looks a lot like Boba and his daddy, which strikes a primal urge for many Star Wars fans. After seeing images for what loos like IG-88 (I have been told it might be IG-11 or another IG battlebot) used in the promotion of The Mandalorian I could only hope he would get some real screen time. It looks like I got wish, I hope he plays as much of a role as it looks in the trailer. I would hate for this to be some cameo pumped up for the trailer, like Maz Kanata or the Porgs or…Boba Fett.
So here is the full first Mandalorian trailer…
After seeing this trailer I am no longer on the fence. I will be subscribing to DisneyPlus the minute The Mandalorian is released.
(this article has been corrected to reflect new information on the IG battlebot)
Yeah buddy! I just got my Disney+ subscription! I’m about to watch the Mandalorian! You know, you can get it for free if you sign up for Verizon..