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Samuel L. Jackson Brought His Mace Windu Lightsaber to ‘Captain Marvel’ Set

Samuel L. Jackson has regularly revealed that he’s always more than happy to reprise his Star Wars role of Mace Windu for a new film, with his Captain Marvel co-star Brie Larson confirming he even brought the lightsaber with him to Captain Marvel.

When discussing the Star Wars saga with Entertainment Weekly, Larson confessed, “I got to hold his lightsaber! He brought it to me on set on May the 4th, and I cried. It was so cool. I wanna be a Jedi.”

Star Wars The Black Series 6" Mace Windu Figure
Star Wars the black series Mace Windu Figure


Recent years have seen May 4th become an impromptu “holiday” for fans, merely for the sake of being able to tell fellow Star Wars fans, “May the fourth be with you.” The popularity of “Star Wars Day” has seen official Lucasfilm channels organizing various events taking place on that date every year, helping establish it as the day to celebrate all things exciting about the galaxy far, far away.

Image result for brie larson

Jackson himself recalled the experience of joining the Star Wars saga with Star Wars: The Phantom Menace back in 1999 and the ways in which it impacted his life.

“With becoming that kind of character in that kind of movie. It just changes the game in another kind of way,” Jackson confessed when discussing Larson making the jump to a huge franchise. “’Cause I had all this interesting kind of popularity or whatever, but when I got into the Star Wars universe, it exponentially changed. You become godlike in a crazy kinda way. I [became more famous] because I was a Jedi, so no matter where I went, I got accosted by the Jedi council of wherever.”

He added, “[You hear] chanting outside your hotel-room window at night. It’s like, ‘You’re adults, go away!’”

With Lucasfilm exploring the franchise in a number of ways, audiences haven’t been able to help but wonder if we could ever get a film or TV series which explores the early days of Mace Windu. Were that to happen, Jackson admitted he is ready to play the character once again, thanks to the de-aging special effects developed for his portrayal of a younger Nick Fury in Captain Marvel.

“Well, we’ve got Lola [VFX], they’ve got Lola, it’s theirs, let’s see what happens. I’m down with it,” Jackson shared with about going through the de-aging process for his Jedi’s origin story. “I’ve still got my purple lightsaber, I’m ready.”

Captain Marvel lands in theaters on March 8th.

Source: ‘Captain Marvel’: Samuel L. Jackson Brought His Mace Windu Lightsaber to Set